Welcome to Carousel Nursery

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  • Welcome to Carousel Nurseries

    Welcome to Carousel Nurseries
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    Our Childcare

Welcome to Carousel Nurseries and Schools Out after school care

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CAROUSEL_LOGOA warm welcome to Carousel Nurseries. From a friendly hello to a cheery goodbye, your child will enjoy a day filled with fun, laughter and joy. From planned activities to freeplay, our staff liase with you to ensure your child spends their time at nursery, stretching their imagination and developing their active minds.

Mission Statement

Carousel Nurseries believe the happiness and emotional security of children is vital.

We provide a safe and stimulating environment which nurtures self-esteem and through play, develops the necessary learning processes for life.

With nurseries in DumbartonAlexandria and Helensburgh and a Schools Out Club in Dumbarton, we have a wealth of experience in childcare, with dedicated staff who strive to provide your child and your family with a professional, but caring service of the highest level.

We hope you enjoy browsing through our website, finding out more about Carousel Nurseries Ltd, but if you would like any further information, or would like to arrange a visit to come and look around, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us using the details on the ‘Contact Us’ page. We look forward to welcoming you to the ‘Carousel Family’.


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